

I have been thinking about the concept of creativity.  It seems to me that creativity is a technique of taking old ideas and applying new methods to them to create something new.  I don’t think entirely new concepts can be created without “copying” in some manner.  (How many infants with no knowledge have created a masterpiece.)  So it seems to me that in some form or another, all ideas copy in one way or another.

New story plot.  A private detective is hired to locate a maltese falcon.  That is not creative…  How about A platinum falcon?  Nope.  Still not creative.  A silver swallow?  What?  African or European?  Still lame.  At what point does my story become creative?

The closest way I can create something completely original is to close my eyes tight enough so that just a hint of light reaches the rods in my eyeballs.  I then relax and enter kind of a daze and let my brain interpret the images that appear.  Most of these images that appear are mostly blobs or possibly alien life might look like.  But my interpretation of these lights depend entirely upon my prior knowledge.  Therefore it isn’t truly original.

Is creativity a skill?  Could it be a considered an attribute to a person like intelligence, strength, dexterity and constitution?  Or is there more than one type of creativity?  I am not exactly a musically inclined person so how could I possibly be musically creative?

Is creativity a thing people are born with?  Can you improve your creativity?  How would creativity differ between an individual and a group of people.  Is it like the saying to many cooks ruin the soup?  And if that is the case what does the internet mean for society?  Well that’s off topic…

I would love to get feedback on this one.